Friday, May 21, 2010

UPGO at Arts in the City

I just got this email invite today. And my group the University of the Philippines Guitar Orchestra (UPGO) will playing at the same event. So please come. =)

Dear Frıends of ARTS ın the Cıty

You are invited to attend the inauguration of

the visual component of ARTS IN THE CITY and

featuring the works of twenty-two Filipino artists
in the fields of photography, painting, sculpture and art installation,
and performances by outstanding talents in music and theater.

from 6 p.m. -- 10 p.m.
FVR Park
26th Street corner 7th Avenue
Bonifacio Arts Center
Taguig City

Curated by Ricco Renzo Galleries and Red Mansueto

RSVP not later than June 1
Sandy 0917-8407988


Don't forget on May 27 there's a fundraising concert entitled "Kan Sadaeng Kita" or "A Guitar Concert" in Thai.

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